Prayers for Worship

Weekly Prayers

  • Prayers for worship

    Prayers for February 23, 2025

    With the Spirit of Christ shining upon us, let us boldly pray for the church, the world, and all of creation.

    Merciful God, we come before you united in faith.  Bless all in need of your enduring comfort.  We ask that the Holy Spirit guide us to act with love and kindness as we go about our daily lives.

              God of grace, receive our prayer.

    God of all creation, all you have made is good.  Relieve us of all threats associated with climate change.  Be with those who have suffered loss from storms, floods, and wildfires.  We pray for all those affected by droughts that results in famine and disease

              God of grace, receive our prayer.

    God of truth, we pray that you will give us the wisdom and strength to be a force of change for all who are experiencing the hardships caused by war, oppression, and intolerance.  Be with all who have lost loved ones, homes, and livelihoods.  

              God of grace, receive our prayer.

    God of compassion, there is so much anger and division in the world.  We pray that world leaders will come to understand that true peace can only come through you.  We pray for all refugees who seek a new life – free from fear and anxiety

              God of grace, receive our prayer.

    God of healing, be with those who suffer from physical or mental distress, especially those named on our prayer list.  Relieve their pain and bless their care-givers so that those who are ill may return to a healthier life

              God of grace, receive our prayer.

    God of light, we pray for all the saints who have gone before us.  Comfort their loved ones with the promise we have in our eternal salvation.

              God of grace, receive our prayer.