Prayers for Worship
Weekly Prayers
Prayers for worship
Prayers for March 30, 2025
Led by the Spirit, let us turn to God in prayer for the church, the world, and all those in need.
God of unconditional love, make your church a new creation that bears witness to your mercy. Just as the father opened his arms to his wayward son, guide us to offer love freely and without judgment, to all who seek it.
God, in your mercy, receive our prayer.
God of new beginnings, restore balance to the earth. Send rain to places of drought and sunshine to places of flooding. We pray for all those affected by recent fires and earthquakes.
God, in your mercy, receive our prayer.
God of scandalous grace, unite the nations as we are members of the same human family. Give leaders the courage to work for the well-being of all.
God, in your mercy, receive our prayer.
God of boundless love, receive with open arms any in need of compassion especially those we name on our prayer list and whom we hold in our hearts. Embrace all who are far from home or estranged from loved ones. Embolden your people to offer them your love and grace.God, in your mercy, receive our prayer.
God of radical inclusion, widen human circles to welcome all who are excluded. Bless the work of ministries that care for those who feel alone and unwelcome in this world.
God, in your mercy, receive our prayer.
God of families, bless Walter Samuel as he is baptized today that he may be surrounded by people who love him unconditionally.
God, in your mercy, receive our prayer.
God of resurrection life, welcome home all who have died in faith. We thank you for their lives and entrust them into your keeping, where true reconciliation and eternal peace are found.
God, in your mercy, receive our prayer.