Prayers for Worship
Weekly Prayers
Prayers for worship
Prayers for January 19, 2025
With the Spirit of Christ shining upon us, let us boldly pray for the church, the world, and all of creation.
God of all majesty and greatness, we come before you joined in faith. We thank you for your blessings and compassion. Be with us as we share our gifts with those in our community and throughout the world.
God of grace, receive our prayer.
God of creation, across the world we see the effects of natural disasters. Bless those affected by storms, drought, wildfires, and other calamities. Give us wisdom to resolve the threats of climate change for the sake of future generations.
God of grace, receive our prayer.
God of peace, we pray that the leaders of the world will put away all thoughts of aggression and domination. Show them the way to unite and work together to achieve peace and respect for all people.
God of grace, receive our prayer.
Beloved God, through the dark days of winter we seek the brightness of your light. Bring hope to all who suffer from oppression, persecution, and conflict. We pray for all those who lost their homes and lives in the fires of Los Angeles. Show us the way to ease their plight.God of grace, receive our prayer.
God of healing, we pray that you will comfort all who suffer from physical and/or mental distress. Bless their caregivers who minister to their daily needs. We pray for those on our prayer list and those we name in our hearts.
God of grace, receive our prayer.
God of all, we remember with thanksgiving the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Help us to follow your path of justice and peace until that time when we are reunited with you.
God of grace, receive our prayer.