Prayers for Worship

Weekly Prayers

  • Prayers for worship

    Prayers for October 20, 2024

    Challenged by God’s Word in Christ, let us pray for the church, the world, and the whole creation.


    Holy One, we give thanks for all who serve the least among us with a sense of joy in their hearts.  Bless us and all church leaders and all pastors with wisdom born out of humility.  Ground us in your love

              God of grace, hear our prayer.


    Creative One, we give thanks for the delicate balance seen in the natural order of our world.  Kindle in us a caring spirit as we seek ways to preserve your creation.  

              God of grace, hear our prayer.


    Empowering One, raise up leaders in our governments whose hearts are softened by your love.  Fill them with a spirit of service that gives priority to those on the margins of society due to loss of jobs, underemployment, unsafe working conditions, and immigration status.  

              God of grace, hear our prayer.


    Faithful one, guide leaders of nations in their quest to bring peace where conflicts and war prevail.  Protect innocent people and give strength to those who bring aid.  

              God of grace, hear our prayer.


    Restoring One, send your angels to watch over, rescue, and protect those who are injured or ill.  Give us the skills to nurse those who suffer hardship, disease, or injury.  Bring comfort and peace to those on our prayer list and those held in our hearts. 

              God of grace, hear our prayer.

    Abiding One, today we give thanks for the baptism of Riley and Forrest.  Guide them to be faithful servants as they grow in faith.  Let this place be a home of love and comfort in their lives.

              God of grace, hear our prayer.

    Saving One, we give thanks for the disciples, James and John, and all saints who have faithfully served you.  We rejoice in the promised feast of victory that we receive by your grace alone.

              God of grace, hear our prayer.