Prayers for Worship

Weekly Prayers

  • Prayers for worship

    Prayers for July 21, 2024

    One in the communion of saints and in the power of the Holy Spirit, we join our voices in prayer.


    Lord God, gather us in as we pray for the church in this and every land.  We join together to build a climate of mercy and peace throughout the world

              In your mercy, hear our prayer.


    Gather us in to as we pray for your creation.  Bring cooling breezes and rain to places parched by drought and heat.  Protect all living things affected by climate-related changes.  

              In your mercy, hear our prayer.


    Gather us in as we pray for the leaders of nations.  Where peace seems far off, bring it near.  Where justice seems fleeting, bring it to light.  In all things bring us into harmony with one another.  

              In your mercy, hear our prayer.


    Gather us in as we pray for the health and well-being of family, friends, and neighbors: Heal those who are sick especially those named on our prayer list and whom we hold in our hearts.  Touch with your tender care all who reach out to you in pain 

              In your mercy, hear our prayer.


    Gather us in as we pray for this assembly and for the faith communities represented this week at the ELCA Youth Gathering. Nurture the faith of young people as they encounter new experiences and people. 

              In your mercy, hear our prayer.


    Gather us in as we pray in thanksgiving for those who have died.  Make us certain that in Christ we are no longer strangers and aliens but citizens with the saints in the household of God.  

              In your mercy, hear our prayer.